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Apium graveolens  (Root Celery, Knob celery)   For planting instructions and seed specs, see Cultivation below.

Diamant Celeriac  Diamant (110 Days)  Large round buff-colored roots with celery-like leaves.  Resists pithiness and hollow heart.
#1118  Packet  $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds

Brilliant (100 Days) Large thick cream colored root with white flesh and dark green celery like leaf.  Does not become pithy.  Resists hollow-heart.
#4888  Packet  $7.50   Approximately 300 seeds
#Bm-4888  Bulk seed, 1000 seeds  $18.50  




Celeriac is a member of the Carrot family, Umbelliferae (syn. Apiacaea) and is a type of celery grown for its large roots, which taste like celery, but have no fibers. The enlarged root grows from 2 to 4 inches in diameteris the most used portion of the plant. 

Celieriac is simpler to grow than celery as it requires no blanching. It is propagated by seed is usually grown as a transplant.  For transplants sow seed in trays or pots in a medium rich in humus or compost.  Cover to a depth of 1/4 inch.  Keep moist at 65F.  When the first set of true leaves appears, transplant to cell trays or larger containers or flats, spacing 3 inches apart each way.  Grow on at 60F and keep well watered.  Transplant outdoors to a sunny area of the garden that has had a generous amount of compost, peat moss or leaf mold worked in.  Space seedlings 9 to 12inches apart in ros 15-18 inches apart.  Keep weeds down by cultivating shallowly often.  During the growing season, remove all lateral shoots.  Roots may be used as soon as they are large enough for cooking. 

HARVEST:  Dig roots when 2-3 inches in diameter or before the first freeze of fall.  Remove the outer leaves and store at 34F.  Celeriac roots are often covered with sand between layers and stored in a cool cellar or basement. 

SEED SPECS:  Approximately 60,000 -73,000 seeds per ounce;  Average 9,600 transplants per acre at 1 plant every 18 inches, rows 36 inches apart

Graph of soil
      temperature for planting celery seeds
There is great diversity in the vegetable varieties that we offer; which makes the general information provided only valuable as adjustable guidelines. This may also affect your seed planting and propagation strategies and the germination rates under your planting conditions may vary from the seed lot test results. The following soil temperature data is for celery in general. Temperatures are average daytime from planting to emergence. Percentage is average germination rate. Days is number of days to emergence.
32ºF x 0% x 0 days; 41ºF x 70% x 41 days; 50ºF x 72% x 16 days; 59ºF x 80% x 12 days; 68ºF x 97% x 7 days; 77ºF x 65% x 7 days; 86ºF x 0% x 0 days;

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