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(Plant heights are given at maturity)
Strawberry Spinach Leafy Goosefoot Chenopodium foliosum Annual flower  Strawberry Spinach (Leafy Goosefoot) Chenopodium foliosum - Annual;  This pretty annual plant is edible as well as attractive.  The branches are covered with densely placed pink flowers that mature into small red berries in the summer, making quite a show.  The plant is very adaptable and does well in even heavy soils.  The leaves can be eaten like spinach, the seed is dried and ground into a powder that is used to flavor cereal and bread (make certain to soak the seed to remove any of the berry before using - these contain saponins which can be dangerous in large quantities).   Full sun or partial shade; height: 15in.
#4093  Packet  $4.50  Approximately 200 seeds


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