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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Ephedra are many branched shrubs native to Europe, Asia and North America. A member of the family Epheddaceae, it is a rather unassuming in appearance, ephedras are noted for their herbal qualities and for prevention of ground erosion and land reclamation. Plants have narrow, almost grasslike stems, but no leaves. The stems act as leaves and are topped by small yellow blooms in the spring. They thrive in ordinary well drained garden soil.

Propagation can be accomplished by digging and dividing existing plants or by sowing seed. Seeds should be sown in pots, trays or beds prepared with a soiless seed starting medium (1 part sphagnum peat moss to 1 part sand is fine). Sow the seed and cover lightly. Keep moist at about 70F. When seedlings reach a height of 2 inches, they should be transplanted to larger containers or directly outdoors, if temperatures remain above 55F.

  Nevada Ephedra - Ephedra nevadensis - (Grey Ephedra) - Native to the southewest US, this variety is generally found in the wild growing on rocky sandy treeless areas. It serves as a food for wildlife and the dense root system makes it valuable for prevention of erosion. A tea made from the leaves was used by American Pioneers and American natives as a tonic and to treat colds and kidney problems. Full sun. Hardy to 10F (-17.7C)
#1882   Packet   $5.50   Approximately 100 seeds

  Green Ephedra - Ephedra viridis - Small shrub with green twigs. Excellent land reclamation plant. The seeds were ground by native Americans to make flour; and a tea from the stems to treat colds, and make breathing easier. Full sun Height: 60 inches Hardy to 10F (-17.7C)
#5765   Packet   $5.50   Approximately 100 seeds


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