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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Blanketflower, Indian Blanket

Hardy herbaceous plants, native to North and parts of South America, and members of the Aster family, Asteraceae.  Gailardias bear large brightly colored blooms and make excellent bedding or cutting flowers.  They are either annuals or short lived perennials, and self seed freely.  Gaillardias are very tough plants and highly drought tolerant, thus making them  a good choice for xeriscaping (or xerogardening). Their bright colors also make them magnets for butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.

Gaillardias do very well in most garden soils, but do prefer a well drained soil in a sunny location.  The perennial varieties are easily propagated by dividing in the spring and both annual and perennial types are easily grown from seed.  Seeds should be sown in early spring in pots or trays for blooms in the late summer and fall.  Seedlings should not be transplanted outdoors until all danger of frost has passed.  Annual types can also be sown in September or October for flowering in a cool greenhouse (nighttime low temperature 45-50F) in winter for use as potted plants or cut flowers. 

Like many native plants, there are numerous uses recorded as a medicinal herb and indeed, other uses.  Some of these are:
>G. aristata  - roots used to treat skin disorders, in fusion of leaves and roots used as an eyewash (for both humans and horses), infusion of  leaves used to treat stomachache, kidney problems and backache and as a diuretic
>G. pulchella - infusion of leaves used to wean infants, flowers to bring good luck

Arizona Sun Gaillardia aristata Perennial flower  Arizona Sun - Gaillardia aristata - Perennial - AAS Fleuroselect plant.  4 inch single blooms appear the first year from seed on dwarf plants. Full sun or partial shade; height: 12in.
#4021  Packet   $4.50   Approximately 50 seeds
#P4021    Plant 3in. pot  $12.95

Blanket flower Galliardia aristata Perennial flower

Blanket flower - Galliardia aristata - Perennial; Bright daisy-like blooms with red and yellow rings.  Heat and drought tolerant.  Sow in fall or early spring.  Hardy to -40F (-40C);  Full sun; plant height: 1-1/2 to 2ft.
#2499 Packet $5.50 Approximately 100 seeds
#B4z-2499   Bulk seed     4 oz.   $37.89
#B1-2499   Bulk seed     1lb  $64.89

Burgundy Gaillardia aristata Perennial flower  Burgundy -  Gaillardia aristata - Perennial - Deep wine red single blooms on 2ft. stems.  Full sun; plant height: 24in.
#5233 Packet $3.50 Approximately 100 seeds
#P5233    Plant 3in. pot  $12.95

Goblin Gaillardia x grandiflora Perennial flower  Goblin - Gaillardia x grandiflora - Perennial - This showy dwarf variety makes a great bedding plant, growing only 24 inches tall.  Full sun; plant height: 2ft.
#356 Packet $3.50 Approximately 100 seeds
#P356    Plant 3in. pot  $12.95

gaillardia sundance bicolor seed plant  Sundance - Gaillardia puchella - Annual; Bright mahogany and yellow blooms are 2in. across and fully double.  Great bedding or pot plant.  Drought tolerant.  Full sun; plant height: 12in.
#1290  Packet  $3.50   Approximately 100 seeds

Tokajer Gaillardia grandiflora Perennial flower Tokajer - Gaillardia x grandiflora - Perennial; Large blooms are orange with reddish-brown centers.  Brown center cone.  Heat tolerant and does very well in poor soils.  Full sun; height: 24in.
#2887  Packet  $4.50   Approximately 100 seeds
#P2887    Plant   3in pot   $12.95


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