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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

Curcurbita pepo, C. maxima, C. mixta, C. moschata - Approximately 2300-4000 seeds per pound   Seeding rate: 3-5lb per acre  Yields: 5-30 tons per acre

Pumpkins evoke scenes of autumn - falling leaves, cool breezes and jack-o-lanterns.  'Pumpkin' is a rather generic term given to members of Cucurbita pepo (some of which are called pumpkins, some called squash), C. maxima, C. mixta, and C. moschata,  and are related to gourds and squash.  They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can reach enormous weights - the current record, grown in 2010, is an 1810 lb Atlantic Giant pumpkin.

Punpkins are a warm weather crop and the soil must be at least 60F at a 3 inch depth for seeds to germinate.  The soil should be well drained with an optimum pH of 6 to 6.5.  Large quantities of compost or manure should be worked into the soil and a side dressing at 6-10 weeks at a distance of about 8 inches from the plants.  (A 5-10-10 fertilizer can be applied prior to planting and followed at 60=-10 weeks with a side dressing of the same).    It is best not to grow pumpkins in a location where melons or cucumbers have been grown for a couple of years. 

There are a couple of different methods used to grow pmpkin - the hill method and the row method.  For the hill method, plant 3-4 seeds per hill in rows 3-8 ft apart (small fruited types at 3 ft, Large fruited types at 8ft.)  For the row method, generally used for farm or commercial production, plant 1 seed every 12 inches in rows 3-8ft apart.  Plants should then be thinned to 1 plant every 3-5 feet, depending on whether the plants are small or large fruited varieties.

Pumpkins are insect pollinated, so it is helpful to have beehives nearby, as a lack of  pollination will mean  poor fruit shape and excessive blossom drop. At least one colony of bees per 2 acres is recommended.

Cultivation should be done with caution as pumpkins grow feeder roots near the surface.  Weeds should be kept to a minimum. Watch out for squash bugs and other pests and treat accordingly.

Harvest after the shells have hardened completely to prevent damaging the fruits.  Take care not to damage the stem, which can cause faster rotting from bacteria and pests. If fruits must be harvested early, dip them in a solution of 10% chlorine bleach, then stored in a cool dry location. 

For giant pumpkins  Plant them in a seedbed  and allow 60 square feet per plant.  In this bed, mix 6-8 bushels of good compost or manure, then add 2 lbs of 8-8-8 fertilizer.  Plant 3-5 seeds per hill, then thin to one plant.  Apply 1 cup of nitrogen fertilizer every 2-3 weeks near the perimeter of the plant beginning ar 3 weeks after planting.  Allow only one fruit per vine

Baby Boo Pumpkin  Baby Boo (95 days)  White mini pumpkin average 3in. in diameter, round and slightly flattened with nice ribs.  Edible.  Perfect for decorating and a great kid's crop.
#3454  Packet, $5.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds

Connecticut Field PumpkinConnecticut Field (100-120 days) This is the traditional field pumpkin, grown for 200 years for jack-o-lanterns and animal fodder. 12-15' vines bear many 15-25 pound fruits with thick bright orange skin and deep yellow flesh.
#298  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#B4z-298   Bulk seed   4oz  $9.99
#B1-298    Bulk seed  1 lb  $19.99

Dill's Atlantic Giant (120 days)  The Godzilla of Pumpkins, this variety, developed by Howard Dill, can produce fruits weighing up to 500 pounds.
#590  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 25 seeds
#B4z-590   Bulk seed   4oz  $53.50
#B1-590    Bulk seed  1 lb  $110.20

Fairytale Pumpkin  Fairytale (110 days)  French heirloom resembling a Cinderella, but  with a buckskin color at maturity.  Averages 15 lbs, but can become much larger under the right conditions.  Slightly flattened with deep ribs.  Stringless flesh and sweet taste.
#835  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 10 seeds
#B500-835   Bulk seed   500 seeds  $63.99
#Bm-835    Bulk seed  1000 seeds  $82.99

Howden Pumpkin  Howden (115 days)  Spreading vigorous vines with growth similar to Connecticut Field.  10-15lb fruit with thick, bright orange skin.  Keeps well.
#1253  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#B1-1253    Bulk seed  1 lb  $29.30

Jack Be Little (110 days)  Miniature decorative fruits, 2 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter.  Not for eating.
#668  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 10 seeds
#B4z-668   Bulk seed   4oz  $37.50
#B1-668    Bulk seed  1 lb  $68.95

Jack O-Lantern (Halloween) 100 days - 10lb fruits have thick orange skin and sweet, stringless flesh.  Good carving pumpkin.
#1254  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#B4z-1254   Bulk seed   4oz  $9.50
#B1-1254    Bulk seed  1 lb  $24.95

Lumina PumpkinLumina (115 days)  10 pound fruits with white skin and orange flesh.
#669  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 10 seeds
#B4z-669   Bulk seed   4oz  $42.20
#B1-669    Bulk seed  1 lb  $97.95

Rouge Vif dEtampes Cinderella Coach Pumpkin  Rouge Vif dEtampes (Cinderella, Cinderellas Coach) (95 days) - This is the French heirloom variety that was the model for the fairytale coach. Introduced to the US by Burpee in 1883. Fruits are slightly flattened with a deep orange skin, flesh is rather bland. Few seeds. 15-40 pound fruits.
#299  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 10 seeds
#B4z-299   Bulk seed   4oz  $35.95
#B1-299    Bulk seed  1 lb  $95.95

Sugar Pie (Sweet Sugar, New England Pie) -(100-110 days) Wonderful heirloom variety perfect for baking! This heirloom dates back to 1800. Ribbed 5-6 pound fruits are bright orange and have sweet stringless flesh.
#300  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#B4z-300   Bulk seed   4oz  $15.95
#B1-300    Bulk seed  1 lb  $27.95

Valenciano (110 days)  Slightly flattened with medium sized seeds.  Bright white in color with light ribbing.
#2580  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 10 seeds


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