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Plant heights are given at maturity)
Citrullus lanatus - Full sun; Plant height: up to 10ft. (vine)          OP = Open Pollinated   H=Hybrid
Seed count =  10,000 to 14,000 seeds per lb

Asahi Miyoko (80 days)  H - 7-8 lb fruits with bright red flesh and light green skin with darker green stripes.  Hard to find.
#1509  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 10 seeds

Black Diamond (Florida Giant)  (95 Days)  OP - 30-50lb fruits are nearly round, with sweet coarse firm flesh and firm skins.  Good shipping variety.
#1006  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#Bz-1006  Bulk seed   1oz $4.50
#B4z-1006  Bulk seed  4oz  $8.95
#B1-1006  Bulk seed   1 lb  $12.99

Black Diamond Yellow Belly (90 days) OP - Strongly resembles a red-fleshed Black Diamond except for the tender yellow flesh.  Large fruits can reach 70lbs under optimum conditions.  A good shipping variety.
#3601  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#Bz-3601  Bulk seed   1oz $6.50
#B4z-3601  Bulk seed  4oz  $9.95
#B1-3601  Bulk seed   1 lb  $17.99

Charleston Grey watermelon  Charleston Grey (100 days)  OP - This  heirloom variety is prized for its sweetness and resistance to heat scorching.  30-40 pound oblong fruits with sweet red flesh and thick rind.    Fiberless heart.
#632  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#Bz-632  Bulk seed   1oz $6.50
#B4z-632  Bulk seed  4oz  $11.50
#B1-632  Bulk seed   1 lb  $28.99

Cream of Saskatchewan watermelon  Cream of Saskatchewan  (80-85 days) OP - This heirloom followed Russian immigrants into Saskatchewan and is the perfect northern watermelon. Round fruits with green skin veined in darker green ; flesh is a light cream color - sweet & juicy. Fruits weigh up to 10 lbs.
#346  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds

Crimson Sweet watermelon  Crimson Sweet (85 days) OP - Round 25lb melons with green skin with deeper green stripe.
#2632  Packet  $3.50     Approximately 30 seeds
#Bz-2632  Bulk seed   1oz $10.99
#B4z-2632  Bulk seed  4oz  $19.99
#B1-2632  Bulk seed   1 lb  $36.84
#P-2632     One Plant in 2 1/2" pot   $4.50
#P6-2632     Six Plants- moist root shipping pack   $11.50

Fiesta watermelon  Fiesta (88 days)  H - Allsweet type melon with dark green skin with lighter stripes and bright red sweet flesh.  Fruits are 18-22 lbs, slightly blocky in shape.  Anthracnose & fusarium wilt tolerant.
#B500-3602  Bulk seed   500 seeds $52.20
#Bm-3602  Bulk seed  1000 seeds  $86.70

Georgia Rattlesnake watermelon  Georgia Rattlesnake ( 90 days)  OP - Heirloom variety from the US touted by French seed seller Vilmorin in 1885.  Skin is dark green with darker markings and flesh is red.  Very sweet and crisp.
#2512  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds

Hopi Yellow (100-120 days)  OP - This rare heirloom has 3-4 pound fruits with yellow flesh and green and white striped rinds.  The seeds were once crushed and used to grease stones on which bread was baked.  Good keeper.
#630  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 15 seeds

King and Queen watermelon  King & Queen (Winter Watermelon) (90 days) - OP -  Long term storing melon with pink flesh and firm dark green skin.  Often picked at the end of the season and stored through the fall.
#3600  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 15 seeds

Kleckley's Sweet (90 days)  OP - Very sweet 25-40 pound oblong fruits have a deep scarlet flesh and firm rind.  Does well in cool or warm summers.
#631  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 15 seeds

Malali (90 days)  OP - These 10 pound fruits have deep red flesh and a unique taste.
#629  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 15 seeds

Moon and Stars watermelon  Moon & Stars  (80-85 days) OP - This lovely heirloom was thought extinct, but was re-discovered in a Missouri garden. Oval fruits weigh 3-5 lbs and have a dark green skin with splotches of yellow, resembling a moon surrounded by stars. The same markings are on the leaves. The bright red flesh is sweet and crisp. A good northern variety, as it matures in 85-95 days.
#348  Packet $18.50   Approximately 20 seeds

Sugar Baby  (80 days) OP - Fruits are small (7-8in. in diameter), but pack a sweet, full flavor. The skins are dark green, flesh is crisp. Due to the small size, this melon can be grown successfully on a trellis.
#347  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#Bz-347  Bulk seed   1oz $8.50
#B4z-347  Bulk seed  4oz  $12.95
#B1-347  Bulk seed   1 lb  $24.99

Tendersweet watermelon  Tendersweet Orange ( 90 days)  H - 35-40lb fruits with deep orange flesh and bright green skin.  Very sweet!
#1217  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 30 seeds
#Bz-1217  Bulk seed   1oz $10.50
#B4z-1217  Bulk seed  4oz  $16.95

Tom Watson  (95 days)  OP - This heirloom (circa 1906) has big 30-40lb fruits with dark green rind with darker veins.  Flesh is bright red, sweet and crisp.  Hard to find variety.
#2511  Packet, $4.50 each,  Approximately 20 seeds

Graph of soil temperatures for planting watermelon seeds
There is great diversity in the watermelon varieties that we offer; which makes the general information provided only valuable as adjustable guidelines. This may also affect your seed planting and propagation strategies and the germination rates under your planting conditions may vary from the seed lot test results. The following soil temperature data is for watermelons in general. Temperatures are average daytime from planting to emergence. Percentage is average germination rate. Days is number of days to emergence.

50ºF x 0% x 0 days; 59ºF x 17% x days; 68ºF x 92% x 12 days; 77ºF x 94% x 5 days; 86ºF x 94% x 4 days; 95ºF x 96% x 3 days; 104ºF x 0% x 0 days;


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