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(Plant heights are given at maturity)

 Greek -  Origanum hirtumPerennial - Culinary - Small rounded green leaves produce the distinctive flavor used in so many Italian dishes.  This variety is the strongest of the varieties and grows into a 4ft. shrub.  Easy to grow.  Full sun or partial shade; plant height: 2-4ft.  80-90 days
#480  Packet, $3.50 each,  Approximately 100 seeds
#P480   Plant  3in. pot  $8.00

Cuban OreganoCuban - Plectranthus sp.- Tender perennial;  This pretty little plant is not a true oregano, nor is it used for cooking, but is has the same wonderful aroma.  Must be sheltered in winters north of Zone 11, but makes a lovely plant for a winter windowsill.  Fleshy rounded leaves with tiny serrated teeth on the edges.  Full sun or partial shade.  Plant height: 12in.
#P831     3in. pot  $8.00


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